While your transmission can certainly fail silently, there are certain sounds which indicate you have an issue. The sooner you catch a transmission problem the better, so Schaeffer Automotive in Huntingburg, IN wants you to know what to listen for.
The fuel system is an integral aspect of any combustion engine, but it’s particularly important on diesel trucks. Your Ford, Dodge, or Chevrolet pickup requires a perfectly functioning fuel system, devoid of buildup, leaks, and debris, to provide you with the most powerful and efficient engine performance possible. At Schaeffer Automotive in Huntingburg, we understand that fuel system flushing is an essential process in maintaining a properly functioning engine.
If you’re reading this, you probably not excited to be here; the time has come for a new transmission. Fortunately, we at Schaeffer Automotive are here to offer you solutions, and let you know that it’s not all bad. Replacing a tired and worn transmission will truly bring your car back to life, and you’ll probably be glad you did it.
There can be a lot of uncertainty around remanufactured components. What are they, what does remanufactured mean, and when are they a good choice? Remanufactured components offer a cost-effective way to repower, rather than replace, a fleet vehicle. This article aims to clear up some of the confusion around remanufactured components and offer some insight into why they are the right choice. Here’s what you need to know, from Schaeffer Automotive in Huntingburg, IN.
If you drive a luxury or performance vehicle, you’re an owner of a reliable machine. Still, occasionally problems do arise. On vehicles like these, with so many electronics, a dead battery is a common issue. At Schaeffer Automotive we want to keep our customers informed, here’s how to jump-start your vehicle safely.
Fleet operators know that a day’s work can burn through a lot of fuel. When it comes to multiple vehicles, even a slight change in the way vehicles are used can make a huge difference towards saving fuel, and money as a result. Whether you manage diesel trucks, fleet cars, or both, a little bit of effort can sometimes go a long way.Schaeffer Automotive in Huntingburg, IN has a few tips you can use to keep fuel consumption low, that you may be interested in implementing throughout your fleet.
In today's economic climate, people are working hard to make their dollars go further. Not only are drivers holding onto their vehicles longer, but they're also looking to improve fuel efficiency to get the most gas mileage out of every gallon of gas. You can do both by following a few simple tips from our team here at Schaeffer Automotive!
A huge part of what the hydraulic system in your transmission does is tell the mechanical components what to do and when to do it. Even if you don't understand how that works, our technicians at Schaeffer Automotive in Huntingburg, IN have trained with the best to make sure they understand all the ins and outs of your system. We want you to understand what we're talking about when we talk to you about your vehicle so we'll break down some aspects of your hydraulic system.
1501 E 550 South
Huntingburg, IN 47542
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